Friday, October 17, 2014

Shop Your Closet

You know the feeling before an event when you have no idea what to wear. Or maybe you are just so busy you put off shopping? Or perhaps, you just aren't in a position purchase right now.  
Anticipating a friend's wedding, panicked with no time to shop and coming down with a cold, I knew I would never find a dress in time. Solution- I shopped my closet. 

Did you retire that amazing black cocktail dress after you broke up with your ex? Umm, why? It looked amazing. Maybe it's time to rethink that decision (the dress, not the boyfriend.) What about the gold heels you lovingly bought on sale only to later realize they matched nothing you owned. Oh wait, since then didn't you buy a dress that would match them perfectly? Turns out you had the perfect outfit in your closet!
These are also great moments to get a bit adventurous. Don't discount your favorite little black dress. A colorful scarf, killer heels, or that sequined evening bag from your cousin's wedding can redefine a standby garment. Pair your fav daytime pencil girl with a sequined tank and slip on a leather jacket, stilettos and hello cocktails. 
Point is, don't give up on what your own. Search for the buried treasure. Break the rules. You will be surprised what you find. 
(Tip: Properly storing cleaning and storing formal wear after each wear really pays off. Keep garments in garment bags to insure great condition. When you peak in, it's like finding something new.) 
(Tip: Properly storing cleaning and storing formal wear after each wear really pays off. Keep garments in garment bags to insure great condition. When you peak in, it's like finding something new.) 

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